How to use Python for web scraping app reviews from google play store then processing them through NLP model To perform Thematic analysis

Anyone that has have ever done thematic analysis knows what a tedious process it is, and every once in a while, I need to do it.. This is usually a long and time-consuming task. because of that, I wanted to share something I've built in the last days for myself.
in this article, I will show how to scrape Google play store for app reviews and perform thematic analysis, Completely automated Using Python!

here is a link to my Google Colab Notebook with an explanation and a step-by-step code to perform this type of analysis
What you will get from this:
- A CSV of the Reviews for any apps you want to scrape
- Graphic visualization of a network — Visualizing the Relationship between comments and their frequency
- An adjustable code that allows you to perform different visualization and analysis of the reviews
There is still room for improvement and I'm still working on more features and the documentation.. but it's something to start with. If anyone wants to help or join me to make more tools for qualitative research available contact me I left my contact Mail in the notebook (: